Why do you need Equestic, how to use it, what results to expect and how to apply new knowledge?



The inventor of Equestic, founder and CEO of Smart Horse Technologies – Leon Rutten, answered these questions that arise for everyone who gets across the innovative sensor Equestic SaddleClip.


The webinar took place on November 18 and was broadcasted globally. Horse riders from different countries, disciplines and levels of training got excited by completely new information for everyone. It was collected by Equestic artificial intelligence and transformed into useful statistics shared to all.


Facts from the Equestic webinar 

For example, did you know that more than half of all horse rides (57%) are unbalanced in left and right workload? Leon explained what exactly “balanced work” is and how to evaluate it using graphs from the Equestic system.

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Also with the training structure analysis for riders at different levels, Leon has found that more experienced riders canter with entry-level horses by 15% more time than less experienced riders – on the average training? Good point to evaluate yourself and think – why is that happening?

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High-level riders do more gait transitions

It is a well-known fact that high-level riders generally do more gait transitions in training than entry-level athletes. But, by comparing the actual training data for athletes in different disciplines, it is clear how much the differences of work are with a horse for dressage and a horse for show jumping. It was especially surprising that the athletes of Working Equitation, on average, make 2 times more transitions per workout than classical dressage riders at the same level – 80 versus 40.

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37% of training is aligned to get the supercompensation effect 

Many articles have been written about the relationship between training intensity and horse health. However, Equestic data about the dynamic of work intensity shows that only 37% of training is aligned to get the supercompensation effect and helping to develop the horse’s strength through the ability of the muscles to build power after quality rest.

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Why use the Equestic SaddleClip?

These are just a few examples of the revelations made possible by the easy-to-use SaddleClip and smart Equestic technology that analyzes data from our horse training so that we as riders can see objective evidence of our habits, mistakes and success with our horses.


Equestic has come a long way, but this is just the beginning! Every day there is an improvement in technology, and new opportunities appear. And every Equestic user contributes to this global study aimed to give the horse a long healthy life and the success with riding enjoyment to all of us.


Watch the Equestic webinar 

If you missed this webinar, or want to revisit the highlights – especially for you, we have saved this broadcast and you can watch it completely free at any time here.